You spend hours agonising over fixtures and fittings and selecting paint colours while you're building a new home. Have you considered who is painting your house and what kind of paint they are using, though?
Painting a new house differs from painting an old one. Furthermore, you don't want shoddy painting to detract from the appearance of your brand-new home or to end up costing you later on.
We'll go over the factors you should think about when choosing the paint colour for your brand-new home in this post.
The key is preparation.
The surface preparation is the main distinction between painting a new house and an existing house. You are painting fresh plaster and bare wood on a new house. Different procedures must be followed when painting over previously painted surfaces. To ensure that your paint sticks and endures the daily wear and tear, the proper sealers are required (particularly important in our hot Perth climate).
Ask the painter you want to hire what preparations they make for a new house. Additionally, what they utilise and why. Make sure you're confident in their ability to provide you with a paint job that will last.
Do you think DIY painting is for you?
While painting your new home yourself can save you money, if it's done incorrectly you might end up paying more to repaint more quickly than you anticipate.
You will require more paint than what is suggested by most paint calculators because you will be painting brand-new walls. Additionally, the materials, tools, equipment, and safety gear required for a work this size. The other components might easily add up.
The time it will take to prepare, prime, and paint your walls must also be taken into account. Will the time you'll spend (and the irritation you'll experience) be worth the money you'll save?
We advise using Dulux products for the most professional result possible if you choose to DIY paint your new home.
Use your builder's painter or hire a professional instead?
Most people who construct a new house simply have their walls painted by the builder. However, it's not always the best course of action.
Here are a few points to think about when you decide whether to hire your own painter or use the builder's painter.
Worth the money
You may be responsible for paying a significant markup that builders occasionally add to the cost of hiring a painter. Be sure to compare the specifics while evaluating the cost of a builder's painter. Is their planning complete? Are the products they're using of the correct calibre? Will they respond fast to any difficulties, or will they already be working for the next builder?
Quality of the goods
Find out what goods the painter for your builder uses and read reviews to see whether they are of the proper calibre for you. In your new home, you don't want just any products used. You want products that provide a polished, durable, and long-lasting finish, like those provided by Dulux.
Direct interaction
You're unlikely to ever meet the painters who will be painting your home if you hire the builder's painter. You'll have to talk to your builder if there's an issue because they might not want to pull their painter from another work. If you hire your own painter, you may directly discuss everything from choosing colours to examining the finished product's quality and finish. A professional colour consultation is another service that many master painters provide.
Warranties and expertise
Ask your builder's painter about their level of experience and any warranties or guarantees they may be offering. We always advise you to work with a Dulux Accredited Painter, such as Perth Premier Painting Contractors, so that you can relax knowing that:
Dulux has carefully chosen them according to their expertise and qualifications.
They may provide a 5-year workmanship warranty of their own (ask to see this)
They are capable, dependable, and committed to satisfying customers.
They apply high-quality Dulux products for a polished, durable finish.
Use your builder's painter if you feel confident they will provide the quality and value you require. But if you're still unsure, get in touch with Perth Premier or your neighbourhood Dulux Accredited Painter for more guidance on how to proceed.
Our suggestion to you
Be sure to carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of DIY painting before deciding.
Always request a quote from a qualified painter and evaluate the cost and workmanship in comparison to that of your builder's painter.
Do your homework and review the painters you're thinking about hiring.
For experience, quality, and a 5 Year Workmanship Warranty, use a Dulux Accredited Painter.
If you hire your own painter, ensure that they are at ease communicating with your builder to arrange a schedule.
Don't scrimp on painting; it's important for your new home's quality, value, and enjoyment.
Want more guidance?
We sincerely hope that the information provided has aided in your decision-making regarding the painting of your new home. Please feel free to call Melbourne Painting & Decoration Group at 0460-009-244 if you have any inquiries. Wishing you success as you build!